
[WVC 대학소식] Encanto Arts, WVC 재단의 Iñiguez 가족 기금 장학금에 50,000달러 기부
작성일 2024-11-25 작성자 조회수 435

- 요약문 - 
2023년 9월, 웬체치 밸리 칼리지(WVC) 재단은 엔칸토 아츠의 첫 번째 '엔칸토 콘치에르토' 공연에서 5만 달러를 기부받았다. 다음 공연은 2025년 10월 11일 WVC 음악·예술 센터에서 열릴 예정이다. 엔칸토 아츠는 워싱턴 주 대학들과 협력하여 장학 기금을 설립하며, 특히 WVC의 라틴 커뮤니티 관련 학생과 이주민 지원 프로그램(CAMP) 참여 학생을 위한 '이니게즈 가족 장학 기금'을 설립했다. 설립자인 호세 이니게즈는 과수원에서 일하며 예술로 위로와 방향성을 찾았던 경험을 바탕으로, 농업 가정 출신 학생들에게 예술을 통한 꿈을 키우는 기회를 제공하고자 한다. 그는 "예술이 세상을 이해하는 길을 열어줬다"며 모든 아이들이 꿈을 이루도록 돕고 싶다는 열정을 전했다.

- 원 문 - 

Encanto Arts gifts $50,000 to Iñiguez Family Endowment Scholarship at WVC Foundation

Top Row Left to Right: Maria Iñiguez, WVC chief of staff and Iñiguez family member  | Ricardo Iñiguez, Wenatchee High School assistant principal and Iñiguez family member  | Rachel Evey, WVC Foundation executive director
Bottom Row Left to Right: Ron Lodge, Wenatchee Valley Symphony Orchestra board chair & WVC Foundation board member | Jose Iñiguez, Encanto Arts executive director | Dr. Faimous Harrison, WVC president

The Wenatchee Valley College (WVC) Foundation received $50,000 in contributions from Encanto Arts’ inaugural Encanto Concierto for WVC in September 2023. The next benefit concert will be held October 11, 2025, in the WVC Music and Art Center’s Grove Recital Hall.

Founded by José Iñiguez, Encanto Arts has partnered with colleges and universities across Washington state to establish scholarship endowments. The Iñiguez Family Endowment Scholarship is Encanto Arts’ fourth endowment in the State of Washington. The scholarship fund benefits WVC students who have an affiliation with the Latino community, with preference to students participating in the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP).

Encanto Arts Executive Director José Iniguez, the visionary behind the program, understands firsthand the challenges farmworker families face in supporting their children’s artistic dreams. Growing up working in the orchard fields of Mattawa, WA, José found solace and purpose in the arts, which gave him a sense of clarity and direction. He credits his parents, family, fellow board members and supporters for encouraging him to dream big and instilling in him the belief that one can make a real difference in their community.

José’s personal journey fuels his passion for ensuring that future generations, particularly those from rural and underserved areas, have access to the arts. Under his leadership, Encanto Arts has become a beacon of hope, bringing cultural opportunities and artistic programs to communities that might otherwise be overlooked. "The arts gave me a way to make sense of the world around me," says José, "and I want every child, no matter where they come from, to know that they can achieve their dreams through the arts.”

출처 : https://www.wvc.edu/news/2024-25/2024_iniguezendowmentcheck.aspx

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