
[WVC 대학소식] WVC와 BBCC, 행동 건강 분야의 학사 프로그램 승인 발표.
작성일 2024-11-14 작성자 조회수 1,330

2024년 10월 31일, 커뮤니티 및 기술 대학을 위한 주 위원회는 Big Bend 커뮤니티 대학과 Wenatchee Valley 대학이 지역 학생들에게 행동 건강 학사 학위(BAS)를 제공하기 위한 공동 프로그램 제안을 승인했습니다. 이 프로그램은 두 대학 간의 협력으로 제공됩니다. 


WVC and BBCC announce State Board approval of new Bachelor of Applied Science in Behavioral Health program

On October 31, 2024, the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges approved the joint program proposal for Big Bend Community College and Wenatchee Valley College to offer a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Behavioral Health degree to area students. This program will be delivered in partnership between the two colleges. 

“BBCC is thrilled to partner with Wenatchee Valley College to offer a BAS in Behavioral Health to help address a shortage of qualified behavioral health professionals in North Central Washington,” said Dr. Bryce Humpherys, BBCC Vice President of Learning and Student Success.   

The BAS in Behavioral Health degree is designed to provide program graduates with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to enter the behavioral health workforce. The program is directly aligned with the new Behavioral Health Support Specialist credential (BHSS) in Washington State. Graduates of the program can find employment delivering evidence-based interventions for common behavioral health conditions (i.e. depression, anxiety, substance use disorders) as part of an integrated care team at community health, rural health, and hospital centers. Graduates of the BAS Behavioral Health program are eligible to continue their education into graduate school including programs such as Master of Social Work, counseling, and other human service-related degrees. ...

출처 : https://www.wvc.edu/news/2024-25/bachelor-of-applied-science-behavioral-health-approved.aspx

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