
[WVC 대학소식] 10월 11일 WVC에서
작성일 2024-10-14 작성자 조회수 779


「 Wenatchee Valley College(WVC)20241011일 오후 6시 웬체치 캠퍼스의 The Grove Recital Hall에서 다큐멘터리 The Immigration Resident 상영회와 패널 토론을 무료로 개최합니다. 이 행사는 WVCCenter for Excellence and Inclusive BelongingLatinos en Spokane, Rural People’s Voice와 협력하여 마련했으며, 대중에게 개방됩니다.

Nando Carter 감독의 The Immigration Resident는 라티노 이민자들의 역사와 노동, 기여를 기념하며, 이들이 직면한 어려움과 시스템적 장벽을 조명하는 작품입니다. 상영 후 패널 토론에는 Dr. Faimous Harrison WVC 총장, Maria Iñiguez WVC 비서실장, Edgar Franks Familias Unidas por la Justicia 정치 디렉터, Teresa Bendito Rural People’s Voice 조직 매니저가 참여합니다. Joe Eubanks 센터 이사는 "이번 행사는 학생, 교직원 및 지역 사회가 이민자들이 겪는 중요한 문제들에 대해 성찰할 기회"라고 강조。。。」


"The Immigration Resident" film screening and panel discussion at WVC on Oct. 11

October 7, 2024

 Media Contacts:
Joe Eubanks, executive director of climate, culture, diversity, and belonging, 509-682-6716, jeubanks@wvc.edu


The Wenatchee Valley College Center for Excellence and Inclusive Belonging, in collaboration with Latinos en Spokane and Rural People’s voice, will host a film screening of “The Immigration Resident” and a panel discussion on Friday, Oct. 11, at 6 p.m. in The Grove Recital Hall, Music and Arts Center, on the Wenatchee campus. This free event is open to the public.


“The Immigration Resident,” a documentary by On The Horizon Films, commemorates Latino immigrant history, their labor and contributions, and the struggles that community organizations face, while also showing the reality that Latino communities live with, including systemic barriers within the immigrant system and their communities, and more. Nando Carter directed "The Immigration Resident.”

  The panel discussion after the film screening will include Dr. Faimous Harrison, president of WVC; Maria Iñiguez, chief of staff at WVC; Edgar Franks, political director at Familias Unidas por la Justicia; and Teresa Bendito, organization manager at Rural People’s Voice.

  “This event will provide an opportunity for students, faculty, and the local community to reflect on the critical issues facing immigrants today,” said Joe Eubanks, executive director at the Center for Excellence and Inclusive Belonging.

  Light refreshments will be served.

 Wenatchee Valley College enriches North Central Washington by serving educational and cultural needs of communities and residents throughout the service area. The college is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion for all students and employees and provides high-quality transfer, liberal arts, professional/technical, basic skills and continuing education for students of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds. Visit our website, wvc.edu.

  Wenatchee Valley College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in employment and student enrollment. All programs are free from discrimination and harassment against any person because of race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, age, parental status or families with children, marital status, religion, genetic information, honorably discharged veteran or military status or any other prohibited basis per RCW 49.60.030, 040 and other federal and state laws and regulations, or participation in the complaint process. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and Title IX compliance for both the Wenatchee and Omak campuses:

출처 : https://www.wvc.edu/news/2024-25/the-immigration-resident-film-screening.aspx

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