
The 127th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (January, 2023)
작성일 2023-01-11 작성자 조회수 6,280

각오 한마디!

I can do it

각오 한마디!

I haven't studied for a long time since I gave a birth.
So I am little nervous and worried if I can achieve this program. My daughter became  a first grade in Elementary school.
I want to show her that mommy  also try  hard to be closer to  my dream. I always tells her no pain no gain.
I will do my  best  to be a good modeling for my girl.  

각오 한마디!

I would like to learn as much as possible to improve myself!

각오 한마디!

I can get much information about wvctesol when I searched for tesol program.
That means many people are satisfied with WVC. What I like best is about apostille service. 

각오 한마디!

Since I am working as a private English tutor now, effective time management would be the key to acquire TESOL for me.
It would be very difficult to balance studying while teaching.
I plan to finish this program in a short time frame, so I am determined to study for it at least two hours a day except weekends.
My goal is to found my own English institute, so I expect to learn a great deal of teaching skills here to be able to utilize them in my new job.

각오 한마디!

I will put all my efforts to take this program

각오 한마디!

I will do my best all of the courses :)

최신순조회순 검색
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