
The 125th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (December, 2022)
작성일 2022-12-19 작성자 조회수 7,538

각오 한마디!

I want to open my own English institution next year. So I will do my best!!!!!!!!! 

각오 한마디!

I'm going to study TESOL everyday for 3 hours caring a 4 yrs old baby.
I'll read the attached files given at the class thoroughly. 

각오 한마디!

I can do it 

각오 한마디!

excellent curriculum

각오 한마디!

As someone who has always been passionate towards teaching English, I am looking forward to this online course for the next few weeks.
This may be a challenge, but something that I will be very proud of with no doubts.
I will do my very best not only for myself but also for other people that I will be helping and assisting in the future.

각오 한마디!

I'm diligent and passionate about studying English.for other people that I will be helping and assisting in the future.

각오 한마디!

I am always proud of teaching English to students.
If I improve my teaching skills, I'll be willing to spend several hours taking WVCTESOL program.

최신순조회순 검색
번호 분류 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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