
The 121th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (November, 2022)
작성일 2022-11-21 작성자 조회수 9,597

각오 한마디!
I want kids to know English is not just a study or boring task to be done.
It's a kind of tool that allows them to communicate with other people in the world. 

각오 한마디!
I will try to study for more than an hour a day! ^^

각오 한마디!
I have a strong will to change my career as English teacher.
Therefor this course is very important step to start my new career. 

각오 한마디!
I want to comunicate with people in english

각오 한마디!
I will finish all the courses within 5 weeks and pass the exam.

각오 한마디!
This is my first certificate of English and first time to learn new things without school.
I am going to get this TESOL in maximum 2 month, and become a more native speaker than before.
Not only for teach Korean, want to teach other country's students.
It means I should have to become as native.
I'm going to try really hard and become a native, that is my goal for it. 

각오 한마디!
I have wanted to be a more efficient and better teacher of English. But sometimes,
I have found that it is hard to be more effective and powerful English communication strategies.
From the WVCTESOL, I'm eager to find those skills.
To achieve my goals, I will be a sincere student of this course.

최신순조회순 검색
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