
The 120th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (November, 2022)
작성일 2022-11-14 작성자 조회수 7,951

각오 한마디!
Someday, I would love to become an English teacher for children in Korea.
And I wish they could just consider English as an interesting language to learn rather than a subject that they have to study.
I will do my best to learn and improve my English teaching skills through WVCTESOL program.

각오 한마디!
I am going to keep learning to be a better person.
Teaching others would be the best pleasure of all.

각오 한마디!
I can do it and just  do it for my future students. 

각오 한마디!
I want to improve my English, want to be a  and have a good certificate.

각오 한마디!
Strong focus on every lessons following with persistent self-review and
self-summary during curriculum which will lead to self teaching skill-set improvement as future English teacher!

각오 한마디!
I have to learn how to teach English effectively very hard and study English every day.

각오 한마디!
My goal is to finish WVC Tesol within 2 months and I will make it. I'm already excited to get started. 

최신순조회순 검색
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