
The 119th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (November, 2022)
작성일 2022-11-07 작성자 조회수 6,865

각오 한마디!
I want to be an experienced teacher after this program.
I'll take the TESOL program steadily to achieve my goal.

각오 한마디!
I'll do my best.
I hope that my English skills will improve when I finish WVC TESOL class.

Last chance for me to change my career.

 English wasn’t my major in my university life but I love teaching English for my students and communicating with them.
So, I thought that I really need this certificate for my job career and future.
I can participate in this program with a lot of my passion for teaching.

I'll get over 70 score in 2 month.

I will participate in this program with all my effort and successfully acquire the certificate.

최신순조회순 검색
번호 분류 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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