
The 117th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (October, 2022)
작성일 2022-10-24 작성자 조회수 7,504

I want to study right English with the WVCTESOL program and make myself a better English teacher.

I am always eager to study English more for my careers and my improvement.
I promise I will do my best on all of the programs and put my efforts all the time. Thank you.

각오 한마디!
No way back. This is just the thing I need. As an educator, acquiring TESOL is,
in my point of view, is highly required. And I'm now just taking a step into the state that
I has had to belong to. Thus, NO WAY BACK.

각오 한마디!
I want to study hard and get a WVCTESOL certificate.

각오 한마디!

각오 한마디!
I won't give up in the middle and study steadily at a fixed time,
so I'm going to be a better teacher. 

각오 한마디!
Before I’ve been teaching to my students I don’t have any confidence to my teaching skills.
I don’t know I’m doing well or not.

각오 한마디!
glad to meet WVCTESOL in my life. that i can actually lean how to educate  people.
 didn't realize that i want to educate someone but i start with WVCTESOL for my new career

최신순조회순 검색
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