
The 107th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (July, 2022)
작성일 2022-07-25 작성자 조회수 9,421

* Careers and majors
: Department of English Language and Literature

* Purpose of acquisition
: To get a job.

* Available learning time per day
: 5 hours a day.

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC 835 /English instructor for 4 years. 

* Careers and majors
: Department of Human Social Welfare

* Purpose of acquisition
: to get certificate

* Available learning time per day
: 1hour-2hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: 2 time

* Careers and majors

* Purpose of acquisition
: Improve my english skill.

* Available learning time per day
: 3hours per day.

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: not yet.

* Careers and majors
: Ground Staff of Asiana Airlines(retired)

* Purpose of acquisition
: teaching my own child 

* Available learning time per day
: 1-2 hrs

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC score 905

* Careers and majors
: Korean history 

* Purpose of acquisition
: teaching my kid English properly

* Available learning time per day
: 4~5hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC around 900

* Careers and majors
: Visual Communication Designer

* Purpose of acquisition
: For future career

* Available learning time per day
: 1 to 2hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: majored Visual Communicaion Design at Griffith University, Australia

* Careers and majors
: English teacher. English,Social welfare

* Purpose of acquisition
: For improving teaching methods & career

* Available learning time per day
: 2 hours per day

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: I have been teaching English.

* Careers and majors
: student,housewife

* Purpose of acquisition
: be an English teacher

* Available learning time per day
: 2hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences


최신순조회순 검색
번호 분류 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
35 온라인 테솔(TESOL) 교육기관 위나치밸리 대학교, 영어학원, 공부방, 교습소 운영 노하우 전수 WVCTESOL 2019-06-27 13,774
34 테솔(TESOL) 교육 전문가가 말하는 ‘영어교강사 채용 우대조건 테솔 자격’ WVCTESOL 2019-06-27 14,501
33 자기계발 원하는 직장인, 경력단절여성이 찾는 테솔 자격증 ‘아시나요?’ WVCTESOL 2019-06-27 13,323
32 영어교육종사자 및 취업준비생 테솔(TESOL)자격증 교육 트렌드는 ‘온라인 테솔 교육’ WVCTESOL 2019-06-26 15,731
31 테솔(TESOL)자격증, 영어학원강사, 영어교사 채용 시 우대조건으로 ‘주목’ WVCTESOL 2019-06-26 13,996
30 미국국공립대학 WVC 테솔 정규과정, 국제인증 아포스티유 공증 선착순 무료 발급 이벤트 진행 중 WVCTESOL 2019-06-24 13,676
29 위나치밸리 대학교 온라인 테솔(TESOL) 자격증 과정, 국내 영어교강사 취업 및 영어교습소 창업 지원 WVCTESOL 2019-06-24 13,776
28 온라인 테솔(TESOL) 교육기관 위나치밸리 대학교, 테솔 합격생들의 노하우 전수 WVCTESOL 2019-06-24 13,914
27 온라인 테솔(TESOL) 교육기관 위나치밸리 대학교, 국내 취업 및 창업 지원으로 취업 역량 ‘UP’ WVCTESOL 2019-06-12 15,224
26 온라인 테솔(TESOL)자격증, 영어강사, 영어교사 등 영어교육 종사자들이 선호 WVCTESOL 2019-06-03 13,112
25 국제영어교사자격증 테솔(TESOL), 영어학원강사, 방과후영어교사 스펙으로 ‘주목’ WVCTESOL 2019-05-31 15,648
24 미국국공립대학 WVC 테솔, 국제인증 아포스티유 공증 선착순 무료 발급 WVCTESOL 2019-05-29 14,308