
The 89th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (March, 2022)
작성일 2022-03-21 작성자 조회수 8,928

* Careers and majors
: English Literature

* Purpose of acquisition
: To get a job

​* Available learning time per day
: 2-3 hours

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: High school graduation, drop off from collage

* Careers and majors

* Purpose of acquisition

​* Available learning time per day

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

* Careers and majors
: None at the moment

* Purpose of acquisition
: TESOL might help if I decide to get into jobs dealing in the future.

​* Available learning time per day
: 3 - 5

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: Lived in and completed from 4th to 12th grade 1st semester in the us. 

* Careers and majors
: Korean teacher and english tutor. Achitecture

* Purpose of acquisition
: I'd like to learn more effictive english teaching skill 

​* Available learning time per day
: 2hours a day. 

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: I just got after-school tutor certificate in english for children. 

* Careers and majors
: Instructor

* Purpose of acquisition
: for my career

​* Available learning time per day
: about 2-4hours 

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC 970 / TOEIC speaking test 160 / English Instructor for about 5 years 

* Careers and majors
: English Literature, Social Studies, parttime instructor in college

* Purpose of acquisition
: life long career

​* Available learning time per day
: 2-3 hours

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: language school in USA for 2 months

* Careers and majors
: data communication

* Purpose of acquisition
: teaching english to students

​* Available learning time per day
: more than 4hours

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: I studied Opic test 9 years ago, and i got the level Al of the opic

* Careers and majors
: Student majors in English Education

* Purpose of acquisition
: To get a job

​* Available learning time per day
: More than 2 hours

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC 920

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번호 분류 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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