
The 88th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (March, 2022)
작성일 2022-03-14 작성자 조회수 10,513

* Careers and majors
: An office worker

* Purpose of acquisition
: Change jobs

​* Available learning time per day
: 2 hours

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC 855

* Careers and majors
: Clinical laboratory scientist

* Purpose of acquisition
: Studying for English

​* Available learning time per day
: 2-3 h

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: 825

* Careers and majors
: composition

* Purpose of acquisition
: job search

​* Available learning time per day
: 2 hours

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: 2 months in Philippines

* Careers and majors
: civil engineering 

* Purpose of acquisition
: further career

​* Available learning time per day
: 1-2hr

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: yes

* Careers and majors
: Mass Communication

* Purpose of acquisition
: Self-development and Improving teaching Eng Skill

​* Available learning time per day
: 3Hrs

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: Toeic +900

* Careers and majors
: English teacher 

* Purpose of acquisition
: Open an English academy 

​* Available learning time per day
: 4 hours

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: None

* Careers and majors
: English education

* Purpose of acquisition
: Self improvement

​* Available learning time per day
: 2-3h

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: 975(expired)

* Careers and majors
: English Language and Literlature

* Purpose of acquisition
: for starting my own English class

​* Available learning time per day
: 1h-2h

​* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: Toeic 845, Toeing Speaking Lv 6, Opic IM2

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