
The 83th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (January, 2022)
작성일 2022-01-24 작성자 조회수 10,342

* Careers and majors
: Hotel Concierge in Holiday Inn Resort, Pyeongchang
Manager of the Redrock shabu-shabu restaurant,Jeju Island
Major: BSBA Business Management, Philippines

* Purpose of acquisition
: Because I love English. I would like to become an English teacher, mentor and
a speaker to students in all ages to help them understand that the language is an essence
and an ability to connect with other country and to make friends that
could help them broaden their mindset through culture and friendship. 

* Available learning time per day
: 1PM to 4PM

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC 650 (4yrs ago) 

* Careers and majors

: kindergarten teacher 

* Purpose of acquisition

: Improve my teaching level

* Available learning time per day

: about 3 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

: no

* Careers and majors

: Teacher

* Purpose of acquisition

: To expand my career choices

* Available learning time per day

: 2-3 hours per day

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

: No

* Careers and majors

: Marketing, Chinese trnaslator

* Purpose of acquisition

: Personal development

* Available learning time per day

: 1-2hours per day

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

: Chinese, Vietnamese

* Careers and majors

: student(University) / French

* Purpose of acquisition

: overseas employment

* Available learning time per day

: 1-2 hour on weekday / 3hour on weekend

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

: TOEIC 850 

* Careers and majors

: None, Engineering

* Purpose of acquisition

: Career

* Available learning time per day

: 2-3 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

: ESL in U.S.

* Careers and majors

: Hospitality and tourism management

* Purpose of acquisition

: For Child education

* Available learning time per day

: 2hr

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

: I lived in Canada during 4years

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