
[뉴스보도] WVC대학교 Aspen Institute 선정한 상위 150위 대학
작성일 2021-12-15 작성자 조회수 14,949

WVC among Aspen Institute’s top 150 community colleges

November 5, 2021 

Media Contact:
Libby Siebens, community relations executive director, 509-682-6436

WVC was named this week to the Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program
list oftop 150 community colleges in the nation.

The honor allows WVC to compete for $1 million in shared prize funds to be awarded in 2023.

The Aspen Prize recognizes community colleges for outstanding student outcomes in five critical areas
: teaching and learning, certificate and degree completion, transfer and bachelor’s attainment,
workforce success, and equity for students of color and students from low-income backgrounds.

“It is an honor to be included in the list of the Aspen Institute’s top 150 community colleges,”
said WVC President Jim Richardson.
“Our faculty and staff work tirelessly to remove barriers, prepare students for careers or transfer,
improve student success and achieve equitable outcomes for all students.”

The Aspen Institute selects the top 150 colleges from
more than 1,000 public community and technical colleges nationwide.

The Aspen Prize was established in 2011 and is awarded every two years.

Nine other Washington community and technical colleges were nominated this year.

Learn more about the Aspen Institute at

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* Beating the odds, these 150 community colleges are now eligible for $1 million


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