
The 74th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (November, 2021)
작성일 2021-11-22 작성자 조회수 11,580


* Careers and majors
: English tutor
* Purpose of acquisition
: better future career

* Available learning time per day
: 3~4 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences


* Careers and majors
: English teacher / home economics edu

* Purpose of acquisition
: To become a more qualified English teacher

* Available learning time per day
: 3 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
 : 860 long time ago

* Careers and majors
: Hotel management

* Purpose of acquisition
: to be an instructor

* Available learning time per day
: around 10am-1pm

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
 : none

* Careers and majors
: English teacher/Vietnamese language

* Purpose of acquisition
: To learn about English teaching skill and apply to my class.

* Available learning time per day
: about 5 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
 : about 5 hours

* Careers and majors
: English Teacher

* Purpose of acquisition
: Career

* Available learning time per day
: 3 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

* Careers and majors
: Early Childhood Education

* Purpose of acquisition
: To teach English to children in Korea

* Available learning time per day
: More than 2 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
 : TOEFL 91(2016), worked as an English teacher in kindergarten for five years 

* Careers and majors
: Photography 

* Purpose of acquisition
: To get a job

* Available learning time per day
: 1~2hour 

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
 : I Studied in Canada and United States. 

최신순조회순 검색
번호 분류 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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