
The 65th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (August, 2021)
작성일 2021-08-20 작성자 조회수 11,898

* Careers and majors
: Kindergarten teacher

* Purpose of acquisition
: Self-improvement

* Available learning time per day
: Maximum 2 hour

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: No, I hadn't.

* Careers and majors
: Office worker

* Purpose of acquisition
: To change my career in future

* Available learning time per day
: 2Hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

* Careers and majors
: professor & department of hotel tourism management

* Purpose of acquisition
: acqisition of English qualification

* Available learning time per day
: from afternoon 5 to 6

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: No, I hadn't.

* Careers and majors
: Music education

* Purpose of acquisition
: Personal guidence

* Available learning time per day
: 1-2hour per day

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences

* Careers and majors
: Inoccupation / Life Science

* Purpose of acquisition
: To find a position

* Available learning time per day
: 2~3 hours

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC (965)

* Careers and majors
: Majored in ceramic

* Purpose of acquisition
: To teach

* Available learning time per day
: 2hours per day

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC -820

* Careers and majors
: Student/ Theatre Art

* Purpose of acquisition
: To get a TESOL certificate for teaching student in English

* Available learning time per day
: 3 HRs

* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: Do not have any English teaching experiences


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