
TED교육강연 : Let's teach for mastery  - not test scores
작성일 2020-08-04 작성자 조회수 14,404

안녕하세요. 미국 Wenatchee Valley College의 온라인테솔교육기관 WVC TESOL입니다.

​이번주 영어교육자를 위한 영상은

"TED : Let's teach for mastery - not test scores"- Sal Khan - 의 교육관련 강연 내용입니다.

TED : Let's teach for mastery - not test scores

I'm here today to talk about the two ideas that, at least based on my observations at Khan Academy, are kind of the core, or the key leverage points for learning. And it's the idea of mastery and the idea of mindset. 

I saw this in the early days working with my cousins. A lot of them were having trouble with math at first, because they had all of these gaps accumulated in their learning. And because of that, at some point they got to an algebra class and they might have been a little bit shaky on some of the pre-algebra, and because of that, they thought they didn't have the math gene. Or they'd get to a calculus class, and they'd be a little bit shaky on the algebra. I saw it in the early days when I was uploading some of those videos on YouTube, and I realized that people who were not my cousins were watching. 

And at first, those comments were just simple thank-yous. I thought that was a pretty big deal. I don't know how much time you all spend on YouTube. Most of the comments are not "Thank you." 

강의동영상은 WVC공식블로그에서 확인이 가능하며 공식블로그에서는 보다 많은 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.


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