[ 2025년2월 4주차 Wenatchee Valley College TESOL & TEC 합격자 명단 ]
Dear students,
Congratulations to all the WVC TESOL&TEC graduates!
This is the moment where all your hard work and dedication have paid off.
There must have been difficult times, but you've grown stronger through those challenges,
and now you have the opportunity to embark on a new journey.
I hope you continue to pursue your dreams with perseverance.
Don’t forget the love and support of those around you, and always believe in yourself.
Once again, congratulations!
Thank you.

WVC TESOL 자격증 시험 합격여부 및 자격증 사본발급 확인은 WVC TESOL 홈페이지내에 MY강의실에서 확인 가능합니다.
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