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    [WVC 대학소식] WVC는 12월 7일 Native American Classic에서 초대 연사 Matika Wilbur를 환영하다.
    작성일 2024-12-09 작성자 조회수 1,744

    - 요약문 -
    2024년 12월 7일, 웬어치 밸리 대학(WVC)에서 매티카 윌버(Matika Wilbur)가 원주민 클래식 행사에서 특별 연사로 초청됩니다. 윌버는 북미 원주민 정체성과 문화를 조명하는 '프로젝트 562'로 뉴욕타임스 베스트셀러 작가가 되었으며, TED와 하버드 등에서 300회 이상 강연을 진행한 원주민 시각 예술가입니다. 그녀는 팟캐스트 All My Relations를 공동 진행하며 원주민 이야기 허브인 '타이드랜즈(Tidelands)'를 설립했습니다. 오후 7시 30분부터는 Jamerson Cheer, Yellowwolf 밴드, DJ Tee의 공연이 열릴 예정입니다.

    - 원문 -

    WVC welcomes guest speaker Matika Wilbur at Native American Classic on Dec. 7

    December 2, 2024  

    Visual storyteller Matika Wilbur will be a guest speaker at the Native American Classic on Saturday, Dec. 7, at 12 p.m. in the Maguire Conference Center, Mish ee twie, at Wenatchee Valley College.  

    Wilbur is a critically acclaimed social documentarian who belongs to the Swinomish and Tulalip peoples of coastal Washington. Project 562, her crowdfunded initiative to visit, engage, and photograph people from over 500 sovereign Tribal Nations in North America, is her fourth major creative venture elevating Native American identity and culture.  

    Her book “Project 562: Changing The Way We See Native America” became a New York Times Bestseller, received praise from “There There” author Tommy Orange, and was longlisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal in 2023. 

    Wilbur also co-hosts All My Relations, a podcast that explores what it means to be a Native person today and that invites guests from all over Indian Country to share their perspectives, stories, and to think through Indigeneity in all its complexities. 

    An accomplished public speaker, Wilbur has delivered over 300 keynote speeches at such places as TED, Harvard, Yale, and Google. In November of 2023, Wilbur released her curriculum “A Visual Learning Guide To: Transform. Indigenize. Decolonize” in partnership with The National Education Association (NEA). Within five months, the curriculum was adopted in over 200 classrooms across the country. 

    In 2024, Wilbur launched Tidelands in Seattle, a "creative hub for Indigenous storytelling." Tidelands centers Native scholarship, storytelling, and art by serving as an art gallery, photography space, podcast incubator, and community gathering space. 

    The Native American Classic will continue on Dec. 7, with DJ Tee joining Jamerson Cheer and the rock band Yellowwolf for live music performances in Wells Hall Campus Theater at 7:30 p.m. The evening will feature: Cheer, a member of the Colville Confederated Tribes who has performed in the Native hip-hop community since 2006; Yellowwolf Band, a group comprised of members Marvin Starr of the Muckleshoot Tribe, Prescott Speedis of the Yakima Nation, and Vaughn Yellowwolf Jr. of the Colville Confederated Tribes; and Jamie Lee Thomas, a.k.a. DJ Tee, of the Nez Perce Tribe, who has placed in multiple DJ battles on the West Coast.  

    These events are sponsored by the WVC Omak Red Road Association and WVC College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP). 

    출처 - https://www.wvc.edu/news/2024-25/matika-wilbur.aspx