검색 팝업창


    The 118th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (October, 2022)
    작성일 2022-10-31 작성자 조회수 9,797

    Giving my best shot and I’ll make it 

    각오 한마디!
    new challenge as a language teacher

    각오 한마디!
    To learn how I can utilize & maximize my strengths to educate kids english
    & how to make english-learning seem easy to learn for kids or first time learners.

    각오 한마디!
    I`ll do my best, and I hope I can get an accomplishment

    각오 한마디!
    As an aspiring English Teacher,
    I’m applying to Wenatchee Valley College because my research indicated that
    your outstanding TESOL program will provide me with the best possible preparation to enter this field.
    Your organization has an outstanding reputation,
    and the feedback I have received from students have convinced me that
    there is no better place for me to pursue my studies in the field of teaching English.
    I am excited to begin my education and am committed to achieving academic excellence as a student
    in the TESOL program at Wenatchee Valley College.
    I greatly appreciate your consideration, and look forward to receiving news that
    I have been accepted into a new student class of WVC TESOL program. 

    각오 한마디!
    it done in 5 weeks.

    각오 한마디!
    To learn more about teaching English as a second language