검색 팝업창


    The 112th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (September, 2022)
    작성일 2022-09-05 작성자 조회수 17,944

    * Careers and majors
    : New career, need credential for teaching English 

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : 2 hours

    * Available learning time per day
    : Went to college in USA and lived in NY for 10 yrs

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : I would like to learn good English teaching skills through the course so that I can have a new career. 

    * Careers and majors
    : English and English literature

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : For my job

    * Available learning time per day
    : Two hours per a day

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : TORIC 845

    * Careers and majors
    : Graduated from Sookmyung Women's University in clothing and textile. English Instructor

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : I want to learn basic English teaching methods by taking Tesol, and furthermore, I want to get a certificate because I want to teach kindergarten and elementary school students. 

    * Available learning time per day
    : 3~4hours

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : Currently, I have been teaching English to middle and high school students for two years.

    * Careers and majors
    : public servant/ education

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : To improve self-development and teaching and learning skills

    * Available learning time per day
    : 2-3 hours

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : TEPS 550

    * Careers and majors
    : English Teacher

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : Teaching

    * Available learning time per day
    : 1-2hours

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : TOEIC 920 / teaching english for 3 years

    * Careers and majors
    : My job is a teacher. My major was English.

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : To get a job

    * Available learning time per day
    : I can spend my time to study it for 1~2hours.

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : These days i didn't take any test. That's why I don't have any English scores. My major was English. So when i was university student, i have been in Philippines for 6 months to study English.

    * Careers and majors

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : To support my career for the integrated contents of the arts of languages.

    * Available learning time per day
    : About 2-3 hours

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : TOEIC 850-890.  Currently I do not have any available English competency scores but I used to have the band above. Working an English conversation instructor, I had trained regularly of the second language acquisition theory related programs at the company.

    * Careers and majors
    : British American Humanities

    * Purpose of acquisition
    : English teacher

    * Available learning time per day
    : 1 hour

    * TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
    : TOEIC: 855 have an experience of teaching High School kids for 9 months