![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1639988976214583.png) * Careers and majors : psychology
* Purpose of acquisition : self development
* Available learning time per day : At least two hours a day
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: from morning 10am~afternoon before 7pm
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1639988989493736.png) * Careers and majors : ENGLISH LITURATURE
* Purpose of acquisition : OPENING ENGLISH ACADEMY
* Available learning time per day : 4 HOURS
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC 810
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1639989002140417.png) * Careers and majors : English instructor at academy and English Language & Literature
* Purpose of acquisition : To improve professionalism
* Available learning time per day : 3 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC 935 and TOEIC Speaking 180 and a teacher's license
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/163998901569113.png) * Careers and majors : AB BROADCAST COMMUNICATION
* Purpose of acquisition : TEACHING
* Available learning time per day : 1hr-2hr
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC 945
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1639989024776457.png) * Careers and majors : English
* Purpose of acquisition : To teach English
* Available learning time per day : 2 hours per day
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1639989035808435.png) * Careers and majors : University student / English Education
* Purpose of acquisition : To be more qualified instructor.
* Available learning time per day : 1h~ 2h
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC 790 (when I was in middle school, didn't study)
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1639989050740396.png) * Careers and majors : English Teacher
* Purpose of acquisition : qualify as a English teacher
* Available learning time per day : 2-3 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : 7.0 for ielts
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1639989065215794.png) * Careers and majors : freelancer
* Purpose of acquisition : to open my own business with teaching kids
* Available learning time per day : 2 to 3 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : Toeic 860