![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1627890899852009.jpg) * Careers and majors : housewife
* Purpose of acquisition : i want to get the tesol certificate to find a job
* Available learning time per day : 3 to 5 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : none
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1627890944390394.jpg) * Careers and majors : Tourism Management
* Purpose of acquisition : To learn teaching skills for my kid and preparing homeschooling.
* Available learning time per day : About 2 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC score is 825, and TOEIC Speaking level is 7. I studied English in University of South Alabama.
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/162789098198303.jpg) * Careers and majors : Teacher/early childhood education
* Purpose of acquisition : for self-improvement
* Available learning time per day : from 1 hour to 3 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : I don't have any scores. but I am consistently studying English by myself and taking a telephone English course.
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/162789101658346.jpg) * Careers and majors : ENGLISH TEACHER / MAJORED IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
* Purpose of acquisition : TEACHING CERTIFICATION
* Available learning time per day : 3 HOURS MAX
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC 975, TOEIC SPEAKING 8, IELTS 8.5, OPIC AL
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/1627891049324172.jpg) * Careers and majors : English Literature
* Purpose of acquisition : to be a better English teacher and initiate my own business in the field of education
* Available learning time per day : less than 2hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : Toeic- 730
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/162789108363264.jpg) * Careers and majors : nursing teacher
* Purpose of acquisition : teach
* Available learning time per day : 11am
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : None
![](https://wvctesol.com/_upload/editor/16278911108045.jpg) * Careers and majors : missionary, French language
* Purpose of acquisition : To be an English teacher
* Available learning time per day : 2 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences : TOEIC :905