
About WVC

  • - 약 80여년의 역사, 서부의 워싱턴 주에 위치한 국공립 커뮤니티 컬리지
  • - 위나치 메인캠퍼스와 오막캠퍼스의 2개의 캠퍼스에 총 10,000여명의 재학생과 5%의 국제학생
  • - ESL 프로그램운영, 간호와 Engineering을 포함한 4년제 학사과정 포함 60여개의 준학사과정의 전공으로 구성
  • - 타 커뮤니티 컬리지와는 다르게 4년제 간호학과를 보유하고 있어 현지에서 매우 유명
  • - 그 외 4년제 학사 편입 프로그램을 운영하여 워싱턴대, 시애틀대, 워싱턴 주립대 등 워싱턴 주 내의 모든 주립대에 편입이 가능하며 타 대학교의 학점인정이 100% 가능
  • - Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, 미국 교육부 인가 고등 교육 인증 위원회
  • - American Association of Community Colleges, 미국 커뮤니티 칼리지 협회 가입
  • - Professional Educator Standards Board, 교육청 산하 전문 교육자 표준위원회 승인
  • - Aspen prize, 2021 미국 전체 1,000여개의 컬리 중 상위 150위 선정
  • - Washington State Nursing Commission, 워싱턴주 간호사 협회

Wenatchee Valley College is a student-centered institution that focuses on learning.
We offer students individual support, small classes with exceptional faculty, and a quality education at an affordable price.
Wenatchee Valley College is dedicated to preparing students to succeed at four-year colleges and universities.
Students can receive four-year and two-year degrees, as well as certificates in a variety of fields.
We also offer high-quality workforce and technical programs to help students enter today's challenging workplace.
WVC is committed to the healthy economic future of our region.
We provide job training and other services for new and existing businesses and industries throughout the tri-county area.
WVC also provides continuing education and training for individuals, classes for licensure/re-licensure, and general interest classes throughout the year.
We strongly believe that the mission of Wenatchee Valley College is reflected in our work:
"...(to serve) the educational and cultural needs of its communities and residents....“
We at WVC enjoy our work and meeting those diverse, lifelong educational needs of our region and developing the potential of our students.
In the welcoming, yet dynamic, diverse, and challenging environment of Wenatchee Valley College, every student is important to us.
We are here for your success. I invite you to explore our website, visit our beautiful campuses and learn more about the many exciting opportunities that await you.Sincerely, Jim Richardson, Ph.D President