
공지 사항

[합격생 리스트] 2025년 2월 3주 WVC TESOL & TEC
[합격생 리스트] 2025년 2월 3주 WVC TESOL & TEC

Dear students, Congratulations!

We are pleased to offer you TESOL/TEC acceptance at Wenatchee Valley College.
Our mission is to assist and make you fluent in English,
English Teaching skills development and we believe that earning
yourTESOL/TEC certificate from Wenatchee Valley College is worthwhile for your future.
This is the first step toward your career.
WVCTESOL team promise to do our best for reach your career goals into real-world experience on your resume.

Thank you.

WVC TESOL 자격증 시험 합격여부 및 자격증 사본발급 확인은 WVC TESOL 홈페이지내에 MY강의실에서 확인 가능합니다.
※ WVC TESOL 홈페이지 접속 ▶ 로그인 후 MY강의실 접속 ▶ 회원개인정보 하단 스캔본 보기 다운로드

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