공지 사항
* Careers and majors
: Education
* Purpose of acquisition
: Education
* Available learning time per day
: 30mins
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: Teps 580
* Careers and majors
: Master's degree at Pusan National University. International development cooperation.
* Purpose of acquisition
: To teach students
* Available learning time per day
: 1 to 3 hours per day
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: Yes.
* Careers and majors
: Public administration
* Purpose of acquisition
: Career development
* Available learning time per day
: 1-2 hour per day
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOIEC (935)
* Careers and majors
: Editor / Child Development
* Purpose of acquisition
: Certificate
* Available learning time per day
: 30 minutes per day
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: NO
* Careers and majors
: Media Communication
* Purpose of acquisition
: To found my academy
* Available learning time per day
: 2 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC (845)
* Careers and majors
: Hotelier
* Purpose of acquisition
: change jobs
* Available learning time per day
: 1hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: Chinese exchange student for a year.
* Careers and majors
: English literature
* Purpose of acquisition
: To make my spec and to be a respectable teacher.
* Available learning time per day
: 4~5hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
* Careers and majors
: English Teacher of private institute / Economics
* Purpose of acquisition
: to improve English teaching skills
* Available learning time per day
: 2-3 hours
* TOEIC and other English scores and language training experiences
: TOEIC 865
The 100th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (June, 2022)
view : 11,047
2022년 6월 1차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표
view : 11,119
The 99th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (May, 2022)
view : 15,642
[뉴스보도] WVC대학교 테솔 ‘이르면 내달 TEC 수강권 지원 종료 예정’
view : 12,330
2022년 5월 4차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표
view : 11,216
The 98th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (May, 2022)
view : 11,819
[뉴스보도] WVC대학교, 테솔 수강료 50% 지원 장학생 모집... 20일 접수 시작
view : 12,372
2022년 5월 3차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표
view : 11,543
The 97th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (May, 2022)
view : 12,372
2022년 5월 2차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표
view : 12,147
[뉴스보도] WVC대학교 “TEC 개발...어린이 영어 강사도 전문성 필요”
view : 13,119
The 96th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (May, 2022)
view : 12,142