[WVC 대학소식] WVC 재단을 위한 SOUTH Benevolent Day | 작성일 | 2024-11-04 | 작성자 | 조회수 | 2,504 | ||
- 요약문 - WVC 재단을 위한 SOUTH Benevolent Day - 11월 7일 Wenatchee Valley College Foundation이 SOUTH Benevolent Day의 주요 비영리 단체로 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 모금 행사는 11월 7일 목요일, 오전 11시부터 오후 9시까지 Pybus Public Market 내 SOUTH 레스토랑에서 진행됩니다. SOUTH는 운영 시간 동안 구매한 모든 음식과 비알콜 음료의 20%를 WVC 재단에 기부할 예정.... 원문 "SOUTH Benevolent Day to benefit WVC Foundation - November 7"
JOINT NEWS RELEASE October 24, 2024 Media Contacts: Lupe Brito, WVC Foundation development director, 509-682-6573 Hannah Schons, SOUTH director of operations, hannah@southrestaurants.com The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation is pleased to announce they will be the featured nonprofit for SOUTH Benevolent Day. The fundraising event will take place at the SOUTH restaurant located inside Pybus Public Market on Thursday, November 7 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. SOUTH will donate 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverages purchased during open hours to the WVC Foundation. "Supporting equal access to quality education in our community is very important to us at SOUTH,” said Hannah Schons, director of operations at SOUTH. “We are excited to help support WVC Foundation." “The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation is excited to partner with SOUTH for this special benevolent day, “said Lupe Brito, WVC Foundation development director. “We invite the community to join us for a delicious meal and make a positive impact on the future of students in our community.” For more information, visit wvc.edu/foundation/events. The WVC Foundation was incorporated in 1971. The foundation’s mission is to provide equitable access to education and invest in student success through philanthropy. For information on how to make a gift to the foundation, establish a scholarship or include the WVC Foundation in your estate plans, contact (509) 682-6410. Visit the WVC Foundation website at http://www.wvc.edu/foundation. 출처 - https://www.wvc.edu/news/2024_south_benevolent_day.aspx |