
[공지]미국 WVC대학교 TEC(Teaching English to Children) 소개
작성일 2021-10-07 작성자 조회수 10,353

Teaching English to Children (TEC)
designed for those who want to
teach children English as an additional language
and for those who are already teaching English to young learners and want to improve their practice. 

​This course explores child development and language
and literacy development from birth through adolescence,
with an emphasis on the implications for teaching English to children. 

​It focuses on understanding and designing language learning experiences
and building teaching skills and strategies
that meet the developmental
needs of children from ages 3 through 12. 

Teaching methods, curriculum, assessment, and classroom management are addressed.

The topics of this course include:

​● Child Development

​● Language Acquisition and Literacy Development

​● Learning Styles and Effective Teaching

​● Teaching Methods and Strategies for the Language Classroom

​● The Role of the Affective Domain in Learning

​● Curriculum and Assessment for the Language Classroom

​● Using Resources and Technology Effectively and Planning Lessons

​● Classroom Management and Lesson Planning

● Building Positive Relationships with Parents

[원문 보기 클릭]

최신순조회순 검색
번호 분류 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
153 2022년 4월 4차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표 WVCTESOL 2022-04-27 9,861
152 The 91th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (March, 2022) WVCTESOL 2022-04-04 9,830
151 WVC대학교, 테솔 취득생 40% 영어 학원장...역량 강화를 위해 WVCTESOL 2022-10-12 9,537
150 The 98th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (May, 2022) WVCTESOL 2022-05-23 9,450
149 WVC 테솔 센터, 매달 선착순으로 수강료 17% 지원 '입학금 지원 제도' 실시 WVCTESOL 2022-09-01 9,425
148 2022년 5월 3차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표 WVCTESOL 2022-05-18 9,303
147 2022년 6월 3차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표 WVCTESOL 2022-06-16 9,216
146 2022년 6월 4차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표 WVCTESOL 2022-06-23 9,174
145 The 106th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (July, 2022) WVCTESOL 2022-07-18 9,145
144 2022년 6월 2차 WVC 대학교 TESOL 시험 합격자 발표 WVCTESOL 2022-06-08 9,111
143 The 101th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (June, 2022) WVCTESOL 2022-06-13 9,080
142 WVC대학교 테솔, 어린이 영어강사 TEC 자격증 문의량 늘어나 WVCTESOL 2022-11-03 9,061