검색 팝업창
    • About WVC
    • Washington State MapThe Area We Serve
    • The Wenatchee Valley College district is the size of Massachusetts and Rhode Island combined, covering more than 10,000 square
      miles of Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan counties. The Wenatchee campus is located near the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains, midway
      between Seattle and Spokane. The WVC at Omak campus is located near the Canadian border in Omak, about 100 miles north of Wenatchee.
      Wenatchee Valley College is a sound investment for students, taxpayers and society as a whole. View the WVC Economic Impact Study.
    • WVC History

      Wenatchee Valley College opened as a private institution in Wenatchee in 1939 as a result of donations from 51 local citizens. Two years later, it became part of the state's public education system. Classes were held on the third floor of the Wenatchee High School building on the corner of King and Idaho streets until the donation of the A. Z. Wells home in 1949. Wells House, a large house on a five-acre tract on Fifth Street, was built of hand-hewn stone from the Columbia River and graced with castle-like turrets. It housed offices and classrooms, then later became a dormitory after the construction of additional buildings. Adjoining landowners agreed to sell acreage to the college at cost, expanding the campus to its current 56 acres. Wells House (located on college property) is now owned by the Wells House Committee, which restored and maintains the historic mansion. In 1967 Community College District #15 was formed, expanding WVC's district to include all of Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan counties. Classes were first held in Okanogan County in a former Omak hospital building, until the Omak campus was established in the mid-1970s on the site of a former Catholic school (on a half block near downtown Omak.)

    Why start at WVC?

    Lower Tuition
    About half the cost per quarter of four-year state universities
    Smaller Class Sizes
    Higher Ratio of Instructors to Students More chances to participate in extracurricular activities
    Greater Opportunities for one-to-one interaction with instructors

    Our Mission

    Wenatchee Valley College enriches North Central Washington by serving educational and cultural needs of communities and residents throughout the service area. The college provides high-quality transfer, liberal arts, professional/technical, basic skills and continuing education for students of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds.

    WVC at a Glance

    • Service District

      Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan Counties
      Population------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 158,360 (2016 estimate)
    • Total Annual Enrollment

      Students--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,063
      Credit and basic skills programs------------------------------------------------------------ 6,092
      Noncredit training and continuing educations------------------------------------- 1,005
    • Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)

      Full-Time Equivalents------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3,247
      Full-Time Students---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74%
      Part-Time Students--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26%
    • Graduates (2016-2017)

      Associate of Arts and Sciences-------------------------------------------------------------- 429
      Associate of Arts and Sciences - Business------------------------------------------- 16
      Associate of Science------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
      Associate of Applied Science - Transfer----------------------------------------------- 72
      Associate of General Studies----------------------------------------------------------------- 5
      Associate of Technical Science-------------------------------------------------------------- 140
      One-year Technical Certificate--------------------------------------------------------------- 165
      Short-term Technical Certificate------------------------------------------------------------ 299
    • Student Profile (Fall 2016)

      Wenatchee campus--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89%
      Omak campus----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11%
      Female----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57%
      Male--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43%
      Average Age------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
      Latino students--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47%
      Native American students---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5%
      Other-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6%
      Liberal Arts and Sciences----------------------------------------------------------------------- 47%
      Professional/Technical---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40%
      Basic Skills------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13%
      Students enrolled in pre-college math or english-------------------------------- 30%

    Wenatchee Campus

    The Wenatchee campus is located near the east slopes of the Cascade Mountains, midway between Seattle and Spokane. Its 52-acre site includes modern classrooms and laboratories, including a new art facility, distance learning classrooms, computer and science labs, a bookstore, a student center, library, fitness center, cafeteria, campus theater, art gallery, district administrative offices and the Washington Higher Education Telecommunications Center. The WVC Continuing Education Program is located in Wells Hall on the Wenatchee campus.
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